segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013

Alunos: Melissa, Valéria, Efraim e Igor


É um filme dramático, que mostra a realidade em Los Angeles e o preconceito entre as pessoas. Nele mostra a intolerância das pessoas, e ninguém é confiável naquele lugar. Há muito preconceito racial. O principal personagem é o investigador Graham que procura pelo seu irmão a pedido de sua mãe. Também há outros personagens como, por exemplo, Sandra Bullock que interpreta Jean Cabot, Brendam Fraser interpretado Rick o promotor.


O filme aconteceu em Los Angeles, e nele mostra o preconceito entre as pessoas e a falta de respeito dos policias com as pessoas, u caso horrível.
O filme começa com a morte de um jovem inocente que foi assassinado e deixado na beira de uma estrada, e nele em si mostra vários casos de preconceito, violência e muita rivalidade entre as pessoas, todos desconfiam de todos.
No filme inteiro foi abordado o racismo do começo ao fim. Baseado em fatos reais o filme conta o que se passa no cotidiano de pessoas que sofrem preconceitos racial e social.
Uma das cenas mais chocantes foi a que o comerciante Persa vai até a casa do chaveiro tentando pegar o dinheiro que ele acha que o chaveiro roubou e quando vai atirar nele a filha dele entra na frente, mas a bala era de festim e quando ele atira só sai o barulho, e não aconteceu nada com a menina.
Recomendamos o filme, pois mostra que o preconceito só gera violência. A nota que damos ao filme é 7.0, pois é uma história muito realista.

Em inglês


It is a dramatic film that shows the reality in Los Angeles and prejudice between people. In it shows intolerance people, and no one is confident that place. There is much racial prejudice. The main character is the investigator Graham looking at his brother at the request of his mother. There are also other characters, for example, Bullock which interprets Jean Cabot, Brendan Fraser interpreted Rick promoter.


The film took place in Los Angeles, and it shows the bias between the angry people and lack of respect for the police to people, if u horrible.
The film begins with the death of an innocent young man who was murdered and left on the side of a road, and it shows itself in several cases of prejudice, violence and plenty of rivalry between people, everyone suspicious of everyone.
In the entire movie was tackled racism from beginning to end. Based on a true story the film tells what happens in everyday life of people suffering racial and social prejudices.
One of the most shocking scenes was that the Persian merchant goes to the house keychain trying to get the money that he thinks stole keychain and will shoot him when his daughter comes in front, but the bullet was and when he shoots blanks only leaves the noisy, and nothing happened to the girl.

We recommend the film because it shows that prejudice only generates violence. The note that we give to the film is 7.0, it is a very realistic story.
Nome: Alex Leoni  Borges , Ana Carolina L. Machado     2ºA  - EE JARDIM PRIMAVERA - TEACHER: HILTON


Synopsis : Crash Movie

On a walk the night, Jean and her husband Brindan are assaulted by two black, and Jean has a certain bias with people.Na same night television producer Cameron and his wife were stopped by police and Ryan Hansen, so that the Ryan police abuses his power in the wife of Cameron. The film shows the main social problems  in Los Angeles.

Review :

Director Paul Haggis put in his film sociais.In the film, conflicts shows that everyone has biases and suffer, it makes me think of the thousands of people who attended and changed their conception of black, white and foreign.                                                                                                       An example and xenophobia, was when the dealer was Persian and buy a gun shop owner did not want to sell because he thought he was arabe. In other time was when a locksmith told the Persian merchant that the problem was not the lock but brings the Persian did not believe it thought the keychain would rob their shop.By morning arrived in his shop and found broken up, until the house was angry keychain thinking he had stolen, then the moment of rage threw the keychain so that the suddenly the daughter keychain jumped on his lap and he had thought that the Persian had shot his daughter, but he saw the gun blanks and saw that he had not agreed to girl. That shocking scene was exciting because everyone thinks that the girl would die . the plot of the movie was well produced, it shows the reality of everyday life and the actors very well represented each characters.                                                                                                                                                              Recommend to everyone.
SINOPSE DO FILME CRASH - Sem as correções !

Nome: Rithielen, Graziele, Thiago,Josiele, Samira e Luan

N°: 26,12,30,16,27,18 2º B - EE JARDIM PRIMAVERA - SALTO DE PIRAPORA - SP

The story is a city in Los Angeles with great divergences, crimes, robberies and gangs.
During the film takes many cases descrimonação, racism and prejudice, tells the story of several people, rich, poor, black, white etc..
The story runs among thieves Peter (Larenz Tate) Antony (Chris Ludacris) and researcher  Graham (Don Cheadle).
The movie wanted to show side of things the abuse of power, racism, prejudice.
Everyone thinks along with people different today is normal, but there is still a rivalry.